Sderot Through The Eyes of Stephen

 I have been to Sderot on a number of occasions and had the privilege of volunteering with Stewart Ganulin and his amazing team at Hope for Sderot. Stewart is a selfless man and one of the most talented, generous and humble individuals I have had the pleasure to meet. There.
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It Shouldn’t be This Way!

This story is from the Jerusalem Post. It may give you an idea of life in Israel. This story is played out everyday. At his funeral in Jerusalem early Friday morning, his wife Yael, described how they had been in another part of the store with their infant daughter Netta.
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Tunnels and Knifes

We have reported in the past few months that Hamas is spending vast amounts of money to rebuild their terrorist tunnel system. Well just last week residents from Nir Am, The kibbutz just across the highway from Sderot complained of hearing noses coming from under their homes and have felt.
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