One of our friends said that he hadn’t received a newsletter in a while and when we checked we realized that our last newsletter went out on July 24. What have we been doing since them? … let me tell you and bring you up to date.

We have received two large shipments of new clothing, sunglasses, school supplies, baby diapers and adult incontinent supplies. The clothing came before this new school year began and we got it out to those who needed it the most. Since then we have been open once a week to give clothing out to those we serve.

Baby diapers, since we first started distributing them have been a major help for single moms and the working poor. It seems we never have enough of them to give out and they are distributed almost as fast as we get them. The same holds true for adult incontinent supplies. Before we got involved with them, we had no idea of the need there was for them. In both cases the cost of baby diapers or of adult incontinent supplies can help those families put food on the table instead.

With the new school year just beginning we have once again been asked if we can supply food for children that come to school hungry. As in years past we deliver , bread, tuna, chocolate spread, jelly, pickles, olives and cookies each Sunday morning to Gabby, the school guard. The children know that by nine o’clock each morning that they can go to him to get something to eat.

ENOSH, social rehabilitation programs that enable the mentally ill to live independently an adult is still receiving their brunch meal every other week. For the forty adults that go to ENOSH every day look forward to the meal we bring. It make them feel special to think that someone cares about them , not to mention its tasty too!

Over the summer months we had to scale back on the amount of people we have been able to help with food. Summer is always a challenge for us as people are gone on vacation and have added expenses with children out of school and then the need to get their own households ready for the new school year. It is difficult when you have to say “Yes” to this person and “No” to that person but we do our best to help those who are in need the most. Hopefully as the new school year begins thing will come back to normal again.

Over the summer we were involved with repainting one of our local school. We were asked if we could just give it a fresh coat of white paint in the areas that needed it the most. They said they could furnish all the material if we could just do the work. When we looked at the first classroom we realized that it needed more than just some new white paint.

We  asked the school principal if we could use our imagination on the first classroom and if he liked it we would do the same to what we thought at the time would be nine more classroom. We had one stipulation… He could not see the classroom until we were finished; he agreed. We put together a new design for the classroom and three days later he saw the classroom for the first time and was smiling from ear to ear.

The ten classrooms turned into 13 classrooms, a computer lab, the teachers’ lounge, two offices, two hallways and the library. We had a September first deadline. Needless to say we have been very busy and that is why you have not heard from us these past two months.

It was eleven o’clock in the evening,  the day before the new school year began as we finished up the last hall way. Everything was completed on time except the library, which took an additional two week and a half to finish. We are just waiting on some wall art to come from the states to put the final touches on it.

We want to thank you all for your support. We need your help more than ever to be ready as we still face an ever present danger of a new round of escalation on our Sderot, Gaza border.
