I guess I should be happy that I don’t have a lot to report today!

Once again it was a relatively quiet night. Maybe in part because I went to bed with a headset on with some of my favorite worship music playing.   It wasn’t until 6:45 a.m. this morning that the first Tseva Adom alarm sounded. Since then, there has been two dozen or so. It looks like Tel Aviv is its target right now.

In the past twelve hours, Sderot has had very few rocket attacks today. When I looked out our window today, I only saw four cars in the parking and two of them were mine. I went down stairs to take a better look and there was maybe a half dozen more cars a still here.


It looks like more people are leaving Sderot. I have no idea how many have gone or how many have stayed. Where Eti’s son works, they called him to work today. They came and picked him up and will bring him home after work. The place where he works has bomb shelters for their employees and an army security contingent. He said about twenty percent of his coworkers did not show up for work today. 

Even though people have left for hotels, it has not eliminated their problem. Some left with nothing or not enough for a prolonged period of time. Toys for kids were left behind and other comforting things. Some are in places that they still need to provide their own meals while other offer two meals day. And on top of that every place that there are hotels other than Eilat are still getting hit by Kassams.

AS I was reading some of the posts on the Sderot Facebook page< I came across this. Without work people have no Idea what to do or how to move forward.

Who Will Help Us

We made our first hot meal delivery tonight. We weren’t quite prepared tonight for this but we did the best we could. Tomorrow will be a different story. The gentleman is alone, doesn’t drive and is partially blind. He is out of bread and something to put between it.  He had nothing special for Shabbat and was hungry. We will do our best to make sure he has a hot meal for dinner and we will see what we can get for him from the market.

Dinner served oven roasted Chicken and potatoes, fresh baked biscuits and salad. Desert was cookies, popcorn and cola

As we delivered the meal, I noticed that there are some lights on in many buildings although some of the high-rise building had no on lights at all. We drove over a few new pot holes left from Kassams, one just behind our home.

We pray for another quite night. Thank you again for your prayers, love and support.