It has been almost two months since the cease fire from “Operation Protective Edge” went into effect.
When the Kassams stop falling people think that things are back to “Normal” and their help is no longer needed but this certainly not the case.

Your continued and steadfast love helped put the food for October in the hands of those we help and for that we can never say “Thank You” enough.

As long as there is the threat of a Kassam being fired at us from terrorists in Gaza, the need for Hope For Sderot will remain; which in turn means your continued love and support is needed that we may continue help put food on the tables of those we help.

The kids that come to school hungry or without a lunch will still need that sandwich to carry them through the day, Single mothers still need help with diapers as well as the elderly need help with incontinence supplies.

People still come to us with that “Final Notice” from the power company and single moms still come to us for help to by baby formula… This is “Normal”.

You see “Normal” for us here in Sderot is the constant fear of a Kassam being fired at us, normal is jumping at a door slamming or a loud noise. Normal is high unemployment and minimum wages.

Normal is kids coming to school hungry and the working poor needing help to feed their families, normal is always looking for the next place to hide in case the “Tseva Adom” alarm sounds.

So in that respect, yes , Sderot is back to “Normal”.

The past fourteen years have taken its toll on the economy and most importantly on the people especially the children of Sderot.  Many are still struggling to just make ends meet.

Our desire to hold our annual Hanukah party for the children of Sderot is still our desire but it will only happen through your love and generosity.

From the deeps of our hearts THANK YOU. Thank you for your continued support, love and care for the people of Sderot.

You can click here to help. Thank you for your love and support.