Shoshanna spent the last week in and out of the hospital with difficulty breathing and back problems, yet on the following Thursday she came to help give out food. She had no business coming in, but her dedication is indicative of her and all of our volunteers.

We still have a ways to go before we will be able to help give Shoshanna a new smile by providing her with a new set of dentures, something that is our desire to help her with. I realize that it is not a life or death situation but it has become a matter of a heart of compassion towards her.

In addition to her hospital stay, when she came in to help she was also having pain from her teeth that really should be pulled. She made her lunch but was not able to eat it because of the pain.

Dental care is not available for those on disability and if it is a matter of having dental work done or paying the electric bill, you guessed it, the teeth lose out. Maybe you would consider being part of this blessing for Shoshanna; maybe you have experienced tooth pain and were able to have it taken care of. Maybe you have dentures and remember being able to smile without being self conscience.

The double whammy of bad teeth and having had lived with the scars of being a burn victim since the age of four is only part of the hard life Shoshanna has lived. I don’t know what to say or how to ask for your help. All I can do is pray that as you read these stories about Shoshanna that something will touch your heart, that maybe G-D would put a burden on your heart for her.
Five thousand dollars for Shoshanna is out of the question but ten dollars from five hundred of the people on this mailing list will change the smile on her face and that has nothing to say about the volumes of love it will speak to her. What do you say? Click here to help Thank you!