ENOSH is a non profit organization here in Sderot that is dedicated to promoting mental health and enriching the quality of life for people with psychiatric disabilities. They offer a variety of services all leading to the goal of an independent, self confident and a recovered life for its participants in the program.

We have been asked by them if we could help provide one meal a day for a group of thirty. Up until now we have not been able to help. We still can not help to the degree that they have asked but starting next month we will be able to provide a noon meal on one day a month… considerably less then one meal five days a week but at least it is a start.

We have volunteers in Hope For Sderot who are willing to give of their time to cook and of their resources to provide the food. The remarkable thing about this sacrifice from our volunteers is that some of them receive help from Hope For Sderot! If you would like to be part of this outreach to those with psychiatric disabilities and maybe see us provide a hot meal maybe twice a month or even once a week please click here. What I realize is it only takes a little help from many to make something like this to happen.


We will be going up to Afula this week to be part of the graduation of Yaron Company, the IDF unit we have been telling you about for the past few months. We were not able to help with all 120 bags of personal supplies for the unit but we were able to help with 60 of them. We (the Hope For Sderot volunteers) look forward to the day trip up north as family to be part of their graduation. We will come back with pictures of their graduation for our next newsletter. To all those who helped with the 60 bags we were able to provide for THANK YOU!


Passover starts March 29th at sunset. It is our hope and desire once again, with the blessing of the L-RD and your help to distribute 200 gift boxes. Each box will have Matzo, Grape Juice, Haroset, Matzo bread crumbs and traditional Passover cookies. We will give out two weeks of food the Thursday before Passover and take the week of Passover off to do some painting of walls and floors in the Moxson.

Passover is a special time of remembering our deliverance from slavery and bondage. One day we were slaves and the next we were free, one could say we were born again into freedom. So the celebration of this season, with those foods that remind us of that deliverance, is a special blessing to be able to be part of. If you too would like to be part of this blessing to some of the people of Sderot click here.