The people we serve, for the most part the poor people of Sderot, the single mothers, the elderly and those who have been injured by Kassam rocket attacks.

Week after week we interview people that come to us for help. There are cases where the employer has not paid their employees for the past two months or the young deaf couple who just had a baby but do to their inability to speak can’t find work.

There were a couple of stories from this past week I would like to share with you.

I was talking with a single mom. She is divorced, works three different part time jobs to try to provide for her two children. One of her jobs takes her well into the evening and she gets home late every night.

Her son was up when she got home the other day and said to her “Mom, I’m tired of going to bed hungry every night”. I asked her if her kids knew how to cook, she said “yes”. I asked “So what’s the problem?” With a tear in her eye she said, “I don’t have anything for them to eat”. This is the same son who leaves the house most mornings without breakfast and only on occasion takes a fried egg sandwich with him for lunch.

The best meal of the week is on Shabbat and by most American standards even it is a humble meal to say the least. It takes everything she makes just to keep the lights on and a roof over their heads.

I would love to help not only this family more, for that matter I would like to help all those we serve with more so that we would never hear a son tell his mother again “ Mom I am tired of going to bed hungry every night”

Thanks to your support and the love of our G-D who looks after His children, their refrigerator has enough food in it that no one will go to bed this coming week hungry or out the door in the morning with an empty stomach. Hallelujah!

Dan Just turned twelve this week. He is the youngest of two brothers. His mom is divorced. Presently they can not live in their apartment because the water and electric have both been turned off. She owes for the past six months service, interest, late fees and now attorney fees on top of it all.

They have been staying with friends but they have over stayed their welcome. They are constantly being reminded its time to move out, but they have no place to go.

Most weekends Dan’s older brother stays at his aunt’s house and even that is a strain on his aunt… She isn’t in mush better shape but at least he is where he is welcomed and loved.

Like I said Dan just turned twelve this week. When I was twelve I had lofty expectation of my birthday presents. On my birthday wish list were things like computer game or the latest new fangled toy that was out on the market at the time. Dan’s list was quite surprising when I heard it.

Dan called his aunt to remind her that his birthday was coming up. She reassured him she had not forgotten his birthday and asked him what he would like for his birthday… she was half expecting to hear Dan’s lofty dreams of thing she could never afford, But that was not the case.

“Aunt Yonet if I could have anything for my birthday it would be a package of hot dog, some mustard and some bread” He wanted food for his birthday… no toys, no games, no fancy clothes or shoes but just some hot dogs to eat.

He got what he asked for… G-D saw to it, we saw to it and his aunt saw to it. To those who support us “Thank You” To our Father in Heaven… Blessed be your holy name! Abba, toda raba.