On Thursday of this week we had our fourth Hanukah party. It is hard to believe it was four years ago this Hanukah that we first opened our hearts to the people of Sderot. Why Hanukah? I guess because it has always been a miracle we are here doing what we have been called to do; to be a light and to remind His children that YAH and YAH alone is the only Hope For Sderot.

This year we saw more children than ever before. There were more smiles, more laughter, more joy than in years past. All of this is a testimony to the faithfulness of YAH, our Elohim, our G-D. All Praise and Glory be given to Him for what He has done; and a thank you to you, those who have heard His call and felt the tug on your heart strings to help make this all happen. Toda Raba, Thank You.

We started our day at 8:30 and by 12:00 we were all set up and ready for the kids to come at 1:00. As the smell of popcorn started to fill the air, the first of the children started to come through the door. By 2:00 it was almost impossible to walk through the sea of children, all smiling, playing games and eating the goodies we had set before them,  just being kids and having fun in a Kassam proof building.

The clown had them singing and dancing and she kept them going for the next two hours. Cotton candy was being spun as fast as it could be, but still slower than the kids were eating it… granted, I did not help the matter either!
Buy five o’clock that evening the hot dogs were gone, every child walked out with a bag of candy, jelly donuts, and a toy. Having enjoyed themselves it was time to clean up and set up for the evening party.

As in years past the evening party was for Kassam victims that we help on weekly bases and those who don’t need our help but are still remembered on special occasions like this.

The DJ was playing Hanukah song and our guests were singing along as others couldn’t stay in their seats and were dancing. With the tables set with goodies to snack on the bingo cards were passed out. Each of the five games came with a gift certificate to a local restaurant for two people. To go out to dinner for most of those we help is not a possibility due to their financial situation, so this would be a real treat to the winners.

It was a wonderful time so see old friends who have celebrated Hanukah with us in years past and those who celebrated with us for the first time. Some times its hard to believe this was the fourth party. All was quiet this year and there were no terrorist attacks that day at all; that to was different from years past. At the end of the evening everyone received a Hanukah gift bag full of Hanukah candy, games and a lovely set of tea glasses.

Again we must thank and praise YAH for His provision and you for loving Him and having an ear to His voice when He asks if you want to be part of what He is doing here in Sderot… Thank you.