As I was leaving my apartment the other day with an old television I was taking to the trash, I remembered how hard it was to carry it up the three flights of stairs when it was given to me and I brought it home, (only to find out it didn’t work).

Going “down” was much easier than coming up; gaining weight is much easier than losing it; doing drugs is easier to do then to quit and the list could go on.  Going down is easy, just ask Abraham who lost faith that G-D would supply his need as he went “down” to Egypt.  Samson wanted to cater to his flesh

and went “down” to Timnath and got involved with a woman he had no business getting involved with.  Jonah went “down” to Tarshish and you know the rest of that boat ride.  

Going down sometimes is of G-D to bring us to the point where all we can do is to look up to Him. Sometimes it is because of our own desires. The path and walk up is sometimes long, hard and slow.  Just a thought… where are you headed, what direction am I going in… are we going down, away from the mountain of G-D or are we headed up to the mountain of G-D?