We wish there were words to describe what the L-RD has already done and is doing here in Sderot. We hope and pray that the articles that are posted on this web site covey the joy of being part of what He is doing as He touches one life after another; yet we fear they fall short. You would have to be here to see, feel, to experience the love, His presence and joy that we all experience doing what Ha’Shem has called us to do.

How can you describe the feelings when you say, “thank you” to someone for volunteering their time and they are the ones who say, “thank you” for allowing them to be part of this work of G-D?  How can you write
about the 84 year old lady, (who is a victim of a Kassam attack) that we help with food each week as she WALKS a half a mile carrying a bowl with fresh homemade donuts for us: and how when you tell her, “thank you”, she says “G-D bless you, and thank you”?

How do you convey what it is like to sit at Perli’s table day after day, Shabbat after Shabbat because she knows you are working helping others, and she wants to make sure you eat. We are here to help and bless the people of Sderot.  Yet they are blessing us! It’s like at every instance Ha’ Shem is saying, “you can’t out give Me”.

How about the Farmer who lets us come each week and take all the vegetables we need from those he harvested the previous day, and he is now going to other farmers asking them to do the same for us.

When you see all the people that are involved and working together (and all of them but two are long time Sderotians, who have been injured by Kassams) for a common cause and a common goal, to bring hope to the people of Sderot, the hope that comes from the L-RD G-D of Israel. Of the ten volunteers today, none knew each other before the L-RD began Hope for Sderot. Today we are a family that shares the joy of serving Ha’Shem and our brothers and sisters here in Sderot. The Moxon has become a refuge for people to come together, to sit and have a cup of coffee, to get out of their homes and have a chance to experience life once again. They say as even do the people we bring food to “It’s not about the food, although it is very helpful, it’s that you came and you care.”

When we look at shelves in the Moxson with the food on them, we can’t help but remember how the children of Israel brought there gifts to the priest and the priests were the stewards of those gifts.
G-D is sooo good, sooo faithful.

We just want to take this opportunity to thank Him and sing His praise publicly one more time. Baruch Ha’ Shem!!!